Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Cost Of Sessions Suddenly A Problem

I charge a healthy fee for my services. It is on the high end of average. I have spent years becoming excellent at my craft and I charge according to my skill level. This means that many people find me unaffordable, especially since I refuse to take insurance (more on that in my next post). I offer a sliding scale for patients who need it and do not feel any less happy receiving their payments than full treatment fees. It is my joy to practice this craft on anyone who agrees to come in.

Just in the last couple of weeks I have noticed a possible trend. In the past, I have rarely lost clients because I do not take insurance. I also would only have an occasional patient tell me I was too expensive or have people even ask me what my fee is as their first and only inquiry. In the last couple of weeks, I have had a pretty significant upsurge of fee inquiries that have led to losing clients. Even when I offer a sliding scale, I have lost these folks.

I am not changing my fees because my skill level hasn't changed. I am happy to have fewer clients who respect my talents than have more patients who are looking for the cheapest fix. People looking to heal at a bargain usually do not make consistent clients (with the exception of sliding scale patients who often appreciate the discount as an adjustment to their unique needs). But that is just me. I know other people might feel they need to adapt to this trend. I see that is a strategy decision. I make no judgment on anyone who makes that decision.

That said, I am going to continue to track this phenomenon. It is okay taking the high road so long as their is a high road.


  1. I know why people ask about fees first! People ask about fees first because they do not have any money and they need help. And is our job to help them first and foremost. You are wrong about the fact that those looking for a bargain do not make consistent clients, and I could give you names of a few hundred acupuncturists who have proven you wrong in their practices.
